Mild but not quiet (Mild aber nicht Leise) > Songs and arias by M. Glinka, M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, E. Grieg, D. Shostakovich, J. Rodrigo, M. de Falla, R. Strauss, R. Wagner and S. Barber.
Love, love, love! (Liebe! Liebe! Liebe!) > All about love in word and music with lyrics, scenes and songs from J. S. Bach to G. Gershwin.
I would like to fall in love! > Soiree with selected arias and songs from operettas by F. Lehar to J. Offenbach.
Livelier than the larks singing! > Songs by Russian composers
M. Glinka, A. Ippolitow-Iwanow, M. Mussorgsky, P. I. Tchaikovsky, N. Rimsky-Korsakov and S. Rachmaninov.
France meets Russia! > Soiree about spiritual affinity between both
cultures with songs from F. Poulenc, C. Debussy, S. Rachmaninoff and
P. I. Tchaikovsky.
France! Mon Amour! > Songs of impressionism by C. Debussy,
F. Poulenc, E. Satie and H. Duparc.
Spanish Fiesta > Songs of Spanish composers M. de Falla and J. Rodrigo.
Canzone belle sconoscuti d´amore > Beautiful and rare songs and ballads by G. Puccini and G. Verdi.
Ave Maria > "Ave Marias” by J. Bach and F. Schubert as well as rarities by
L. Cherubini, P. Mascagni and L. Luzzi.
Happy birthday or from Russia with Love! > Songs by S. Rachmaninov
and P. I. Tchaikovsky, F. Chopin, F. Liszt and R. Schumann.
The sound of American music > Songs and arias by S. Barber,
A. Copland and G. C. Menotti.
The Night of the Musical! > Songs G. Gershwin, L. Bernstein, R. Rodgers from "Porgy and Bess“, "Westside Story“ and "The Sounds of Music".
Soft rebel! > Poetry of rebellious soviet poet A. Akhmatova that show her lyric side, set to music by J. Tavener and S. Prokofiev.