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Elisabetta di Valois in "Don Carlos" by G. Verdi
Theater Ulm
Fotos: Fotos: J. Klenk
Staatstheater Saarbrücken and Theater Hof
Fotos: Stage Picture and SFF Fotodesign

With Xavier Moreno as Carlos

Theater Ulm
With Xavier Moreno as Carlos

With Christian Tschelebiev and Ensemble

With Roswitha Müller as Eboli

With Christian Tschelebiev as King Fillip

With Christian Tschelebiev as King Fillip

With Xavier Moreno as Carlos

Saarländisches Staatstheater
With Jae-Chul Bae as Carlos

With Jae-Chul Bae as Carlos

With Jae-Chul Bae as Carlos

Saarländisches Staatstheater
With Jae-Chul Bae as Carlos

Theater Hof
With Werner Krause as Posa

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