”Oxana Arkaeva´s voice and stage presence in Herkulessaal Munich made even the dead themselves dance." Culture Space Munich, 04.12.2016
"Oxana Arkaeva and the young guitarist Malte Höfig performed in the overcrowded village church of Lautern ... combining a great passion for Spanish music, ... music fans were enthusiastic about their interpretation of songs by Frederico García Lorca, Manuel de Falla and more recent arrangements (Eugenia Kanthou) of old Spanish songs. "D. Hub, „Augsburger Allgemeine“, 25.07.2016
"With Oxana Arkaeva the audience were able to experience an artist with touching beautiful voice. She unfolded the whole feeling scale, into which lovers plunge themselves: Happiness, joy, happiness, bliss, jealousy, resignation, disappointment or even revenge. As an effective contrast Oxana Arkaeva sprinkled in between poems and texts a - times reflective and profound, then again enjoyable and amusing."
C. Bader, “Augsburger Allgemeine”. 17.07.2015
"Oxana Arkaeva achieved a masterly interpretation of moderately modern ten songs (by S. Barber) in its different moods from pious to coarse. Perfectly supported by the pianist, Oxana Arkaeva tasted the blooming Belcanto melos ... and ... downright gorgeous Was the final "Travel Song" by Michail Glinka. Enthusiastic applause thanked the two artists for a successful music session of the extra class."
K. Müller-Nübling, Museum Society Ulm, 14.09.2013
"Finest vocal culture was presennted here at its best. The attractive singer dressed in a white evening gown and with enormous stage presence, understood well through her acting gift, wit and charm and in perfect accordance with Boris Levantovitch at the Steinway piano to completely captivate the audience“. Ch. Kanand," Südwest Presse", 08.02.2011
"Oxana Arkaeva was keen to bring the audience closer to the better comprehension of lyrical songs texts by reciting each of them in German before singing. With her powerful, clear and in the nuances finely differentiated soprano she gave [each of the songs] an equally expressive shape. Sounding either cooing sweet- or longing, the singer knew well to admirably shape her voice to convincingly present and to fill in the various states of mind and emotions". S. Schäfer, „Südwest Presse“, 05.4.2011
"Accompanied on the piano by the virtuoso Boris Levantovitsch, Oxana Arkaeva showed the enormous stage presence and room-filling volume of her big voice, pointing out with power and delicacy, temperament and melancholy [all] facets of her artistic versatility".
D. Hub, „Augsburger Allgemeine“, 05.4.2011
“There was a rich musical arch that showed the enormous repertoire bandwidth of the singer. Unbelievable what Arkaeva´s voice all can do. Her soprano sounds equally well in all ranges, effortless yet powerful – the sounds are flowing and one is delighted at the beautiful voice that ranges without breaks from very low to expressive high notes. Oxana Arkaeva also pleased the large audience by her charming demeanor and took plenty of time to fulfill numerous autographs requests". E. Altmeier,“Saarbrücker Zeitung”, 07.10.2009